build details



Build 349370132 from pipeline 95591657 based on 6.1.1-Dragonblaze

To do a new system installation, please download the system image .img.xz

Use Etcher to burn the .img.xz

The system image (.img file) will not be available for review builds based on merge requests

See the changelog here :

Architecture Tag Burnable Image
The board or arch you need arch tag The system image
Raspberry Pi 1 / Pi 0 / GPI Case rpi1/rpi0 recalbox.img (sha1)
Raspberry Pi 2 rpi2 recalbox.img (sha1)
Raspberry Pi 3 / 3 A+ / 3 B+ rpi3 recalbox.img (sha1)
PC 64 bits x86_64 recalbox.img (sha1)
PC 32 bits x86 recalbox.img (sha1)
Odroid XU4 odroidxu4 recalbox.img (sha1)

Old boards no longer supported

Architecture Tag Burnable Image
The board or arch you need arch tag The system image
Odroid C2 (Recalbox 6.1) odroidc2 recalbox.img (sha1)